Partner today to help #BridgeTheTechGap!
Techtonica offers software engineering training, living and childcare stipends, laptops, and community support to women and non-binary adults seeking economic empowerment, then places graduates with partner companies or supports them during their job search.
By partnering with Techtonica, you're empowering the people most underrepresented in tech and most in need. You’ll also save time and money on recruiting, build diversity in tech, expand your network, gain new perspectives, make better products, receive a tax exemption, and join other distinguished supporters.
Make a positive social impact while fulfilling your diverse technical talent needs.

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We have a rigorous application process that includes pre-reqs and study groups, two application forms, JavaScript workshops, presentations, code challenges, pairing, and interviews with staff and board members. Our acceptance rate is 7%. The characteristics we both seek in applicants and seek to strengthen in participants are resilience, autonomy, commitment, positivity & adaptability, collaboration, curiosity, and logic.
Developed by industry professionals, our six-month, sponsor-approved, open-source training covers full-stack JavaScript using hands-on projects. Participants build several projects, including a final project that is demoed during interviews and the graduation celebration.
Our participants spend the last weeks of training preparing to join the companies they've been matched with.
88% of our graduates so far are BIPOC, 21% have a disability, 21% are parents, 10% identify outside the gender binary, and 1% are veterans.
The best talent can’t be confined to gender, race, status, or age—let’s bring the best talent to the best of tech.
Techtonica Demographics:
How Hiring Works
Partner & Announce
Sign our Advocate Agreement, pay the partnership fee, and formulate an announcement.

Connect and Strategize
Meet Techtonica participants via pairing, company Q&As, or guest talks.
Determine employee’s position (software engineer, support engineer, technical program manager, QA, sales engineer, or other "tech plus/adjacent" roles), team, duties, and pay (at least $33/hour). See this doc for some of our past placement job descriptions.
Meet Your New Hire & Prepare
Mutually rate and match. Collaborate on details like start date and how to best prepare before officially joining.
Attend the inclusion workshop.

Employ your graduate (who will have regular check-ins with Techtonica) for at least 1,000 hours as an intern, contractor, or FTE — it’s up to you.
Even with hiring freezes in 2021 and 2022, 87% of our grads stayed with placement companies beyond the initial six months! Here are some testimonials:
"I'm being very serious when I say that I'd be happy to take literally any of them. I've never experienced that before from folks so new to the work." -Shane Duff, Senior Front End Engineer at Pantheon
“Everyone is super happy with the program and the quality of the {participants}. It was beyond what most were expecting.” —Jerome Despret, Director of Engineering at Pantheon
“Mentoring [our Techtonica grad] at Meraki has been incredibly rewarding, as I see her grow into a stronger and stronger engineer every week.” —Alexandra Savramis, Software Engineer at Cisco Meraki
“You could honestly match us with any one of them and it would be great.” —Jill Berardini, Software Engineer at Rally Health
“[Our Techtonica graduate] is beloved.” —Rachel Glickman, Director of Inclusion, Diversity, and Employee Relations at Rally Health
“We were very impressed by the level of foresight that went into the curriculum design.” —Michael Kyle, Director of Talent at Redbubble